Outer Limits Adventure Centre

The Paluma Adventure Centre has opened up right next door to Gumburu and offers a brand new High Ropes course along with a great range of other outdoor activities such as High Ropes, Rock Climbing, Challenge Course, Archery and more. They also offer additional activities at Lake Paluma such as Canoeing and Raft Building. A number of our schools have used the centre and have had a great experience, here are some comments from our students at St Joseph's School, The Strand:

The High Ropes course was all about getting 12 metres up into the air and telling yourself “You can do it!” Before I did the course I was a little nervous but when I was up there I was REALLY nervous! The feeling I had after I completed the course was one of pure joy..1. Because I was on solid ground and 2. I’d done it! Thomas, Year 5 St Joseph’s The Strand

What an amazing experience we had at High Ropes at Paluma What was not to love? ..we went through tough times, we challenged ourselves and overcame fears. High Ropes course for me was all about learning- learning that you can walk across that thin piece of rope safely as you are all harnessed in and learning that your mind can overcome your fears.    Meg Year 5 St Joseph’s The Strand

The high ropes course was all about kids being brave and challenging themselves. I felt nervous but I did my best and did a mind self talk… I felt I achieved something and I was proud. . Ruby Year 5 St Joseph’s Catholic School, The Strand.

The high ropes challenge was one of my favourite parts of camp. It was all about testing your limits and seeing what you were able to do. When I was 11 metres off the ground I wanted to give up and go to ground. But I knew camp was a time to push my limits so I climbed that last metre to get to the top and then .. it was great... I felt so amazed and proud that I’d done it. Jack - St Joseph’s Catholic School, The Strand.

If you would like further information on the centre, you can contact Sam Steadman:
Mobile: 0421 484 211
Email: info@outerlimitsadventure.com.au 

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Centre manager: Mr Tony O'Connor

Short Road
Paluma QLD 4816

Kitchen: (07) 4770 8581

P: (07) 4770 8580
F: (07) 4770 8582
E: gumburu@tsv.catholic.edu.au